WV China Sends Assessment Team to the Most Severely Flooded AP in Southern China

On 13 June, a three-member team has been sent to the most severely flooded areas of Fengshan Township and Pingshan Town, Shicheng County, Jiangxi Province, to conduct rapid needs assessment. 

According to initial assessment, in Jiangxi, as of 11 June 2019, 6 deaths and 1 missing have been reported. More than 2 million residents have been affected, over 150,000 residents have sought refuge in emergency resettlement and 81,000 residents are in need of emergency relief.

Farmlands have been destroyed, and the affected communities have lost their harvest due to the floods. As per reports, a total of 137,000 hectares of crops have been affected and over 12,000 houses damaged and destroyed. The direct economic loss amounts to over $ 530 million USD (RMB3.7 billion). 

▲Farmlands have been destroyed by flood.

As of 11 June 2019, over 64,000 residents of Shicheng County have been affected by the floods.

Shicheng AP funded by HKSO, is located the flood affected area. All registered children and their families are safe and accounted for. WV China has been distributing child friendly kits including colored pens, toys, chess, etc. to children. 

"I have two children and my wife is mentally ill. My whole family survives on farming. To earn extra I also provide transport services. But because of the floods, my farmlands have been destroyed. I stay at home to care for my wife, as our old house has also been damaged by the floods. We are living on bare minimum government subsidy. I am very worried how will I restore my farmlands but I am grateful that my family is safe," says Wen Pingjin, one of people from Yansha Village, Fengshan Township, affected by the floods.